Meeting Presentations

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J15.00002: The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Project
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP DPF
Brenna Flaugher

J15.00005: Photometric Calibration for the Dark Energy Survey
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP DPF
William Wester

J15.00006: The Halo Population Statistics of DES redMaPPer Selected Clusters
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP DPF
Arya Farahi, August Evrard

J15.00007: Galaxy Cluster Cosmology with DES Y1 Data
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP DPF
Yuanyuan Zhang

J15.00008: Producing an SDSS-BOSS CMASS sample with imaging from the Dark Energy Survey to test gravity
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP DPF
Sujeong Lee, Eric Huff, Ashley Ross, Michael Troxel, Niall MacCrann, Ami Choi, Tim Eifler, Chris Hirata, Klaus Honscheid

J15.00009: Density split statistics: Cosmological constraints from counts and lensing in cells in DES Y1
Sponsor Unit(s): DAP DPF
Daniel Gruen