Meeting Presentations

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H13.00001: The emergence of spacetime in causal set theory
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Steven Carlip, Samuel Loomis

H13.00002: Singularities and black holes in causal set gravity
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Yu Asato

H13.00003: A Measure for Manifoldlikeness of a Causal Set
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Miremad Aghili, Luca Bombelli, Benjamin Pilgrim

H13.00004: Mandelstam's "Quantization of the Gravitational Field" revisited
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Jorge Pullin, Rodolfo Gambini, Miguel Campiglia

H13.00005: Canonical quantization of symmetry reduced gravitational models: recent advances
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Javier Olmedo

H13.00007: BEC Black Hole Analog with Massive Phonons
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Richard Dudley, Paul Anderson, Alessadro Fabbri

H13.00009: Resolution of singularities in dynamic spacetimes
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Deborah Konkowski, Thomas Helliwell