Meeting Presentations

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H12.00001: Physics of celestial scale dumbbells
Sponsor Unit(s): GFB
Leonardo Golubovic, Steven Knudsen

H12.00002: A realistic three-dimensional calculation of relativistic nucleon-nucleon interactions
Sponsor Unit(s): GFB
Mohammadreza Hadizadeh, Mahdi Radin

H12.00003: Renormalization of Inverse Power Law Potentials
Sponsor Unit(s): GFB
Daniel Odell, Lucas Platter

H12.00004: Faddeev Calculations for $Nd$ Breakup Scattering within Isospin and Given Charge Formalism: Numerical Stability
Sponsor Unit(s): GFB
Vladimir Suslov, Igor Filikhin, Roman Kezerashvili, Branislav Vlahovic

H12.00005: Momentum Space Faddeev Calculation of $d+\alpha$ Scattering
Sponsor Unit(s): GFB
Jin Lei, Linda Hlophe, Charlotte Elster, Andreas Nogga, Filomena Nunes

H12.00008: The sensitivity of different $\gamma p$ scattering observables to the proton’s dipole polarisabilities
Sponsor Unit(s): GFB
Harald Griesshammer, Judith McGovern, Daniel Phillips

H12.00009: Bremsstrahlung in Low-Energy Lepton-Proton Scattering
Sponsor Unit(s): GFB
Pulak Talukdar, Fred Myhrer, Udit Raha