Meeting Presentations

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D13.00001: Gravitational thermodynamics of causal diamonds
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Ted Jacobson, Manus Visser

D13.00003: Entanglement and curvature perturbations in the pre-inflationary universe
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Eugenio Bianchi

D13.00004: Adiabatic vacua from linear complex structures
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Lucas Hackl, Eugenio Bianchi, Miguel Fernandez, Monica Rincon Ramirez

D13.00005: Pre-inflationary Dynamics of the Universe in Loop Quantum Cosmology
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Anzhong Wang

D13.00007: Local graviton two-point function in a dressed background
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Jordan Moxon, Eanna Flanagan

D13.00008: Local Operator Product Relations for Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Mark Klehfoth

D13.00009: Operator mixing in deformed D1D5 CFT and the OPE on the cover
Sponsor Unit(s): DGRAV
Benjamin Burrington, Ian Jardine, Amanda Peet