Meeting Presentations

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D10.00001: Measurement of the Structure of the Inner Tracking Detector of the CMS Experiment Using Nuclear Interactions
Sponsor Unit(s): SPS APS
Eilish Gibson

D10.00005: Shower Classification in the GlueX Experiment
Sponsor Unit(s): SPS APS
Rebecca Barsotti, Matthew Shepherd

D10.00006: Factorization and Next to Leading Order Corrections in the Dipole QCD Model
Sponsor Unit(s): SPS APS
Silas Kurt Grossberndt, Alfred Mueller

D10.00007: Conformal Gravity Approach to the SPARC Dataset
Sponsor Unit(s): SPS APS
Mark Falcone, Muhannad Alqurashi, Jordan Carter, James O'Brien

D10.00008: Competing Ideas in Quantum Measurement: The Search for a Perfect ``Theory of Everything''
Sponsor Unit(s): SPS APS
Melissa Schmitz