Finance Committee

The Board shall create a Finance Committee consisting of the Treasurer (who shall be the Chair of the Committee), the President-Elect, and such other Directors as the Board may specify. The Finance Committee shall oversee the budget process and shall oversee the Society's investments and financial affairs.

The Finance Committee consists of the Treasurer, as chair, the President-Elect, the Vice-President, the CEO (ex-officio, non-voting) and three (3) other members of the Board appointed by the President-Elect to serve staggered three (3) year terms. It will meet at least two (2) times per year to (a) review the year over year financial operations of the society, (b) review and propose to the Board for approval the following year's budget including the total compensation budget for the staff, (c) review the financial strategy and performance of the society, and (d) with the advice of the Investment Committee, review the investment strategy and performance of the society.

The Finance Committee meets with the officers of the Society during the initial budget planning process to establish overall goals and objectives for the next fiscal year and again as the budget is in the final stages of preparation. The Finance Committee provides the CEO with strategic guidance and with critical consideration of fundamental budget assumptions. The Treasurer, as Chair of the Finance Committee, will bring the proposed budget to the Board for approval.

Chair: David G. Seiler (01/22 - 12/24)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

President-Elect: John M. Doyle (01/24 - 12/24)
Harvard University

Vice President: John Marston (01/24 - 12/24)
Brown University

Member: Peter Schiffer (01/22 - 12/24)
Princeton University

Member: William Barletta (01/23 - 12/25)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Member: Nai-Chang Yeh (01/24 - 12/26)

Chief Executive Officer
Jonathan A. Bagger

Chief Finance and Operations Officer
Jane Hopkins Gould

Nominees for and holders of APS Honors (prizes, awards, and fellowship) and official leadership positions are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.

APS Committees

The American Physical Society is a volunteer-driven organization. Since 1899, physicists have contributed their time and resources to running the APS in cooperation with a minimal full-time staff. Volunteers are the backbone of the Society. They form the character and direct the Society's progress and development. All APS committees operate on a calendar year basis and committee terms run from January 1 through December 31.

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Information for Committee Members