FEd Fall 2001 Newsletter - Forum on Education Sessions

Spring 2001



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Forum on Education Sessions

The Program Committee of the Forum on Education has organized sessions at APS meetings to address educational issues of concern to our members. The following sessions will be held at the upcoming March and April APS meetings. If you have suggestions for sessions at future meetings, please contact any of the officers of the FEd. Contact information is given on the FEd web page: For the details of speakers and times please refer to the appropriate APS web page given below.

March meeting in Seattle:

Educational and Societal Issues, A8, Monday AM, March 12.

Physics Education for Non-Physics Majors, C10, Monday AM, March 12.

Revitalizing Undergraduate Physics Education, G1, Tues AM, March 13

April meeting at Washington, DC:

The Physics Teacher Education Coalition: Physicists "Shaping the Future," B5, Sat. AM, April 28.

Whither Advanced Placement?, J5, Sun. PM, April 29

Recruiting and Retaining Undergraduate Physics Majors, Q6, Monday PM, April 30.

Recruiting and Retaining Women, V5, Tues. AM, May 1.

 Plan to attend these interesting sessions!!