Forum on Education of the American Physical Society
Fall 2007 Newsletter



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Teacher Preparation

John Stewart

For the past year, I have had the pleasure of being involved in the ComPADRE project for the National Science Digital Library as editor of the Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PTEC) collection. ComPADRE contains a diverse collection of resources for students, teachers, and physics. The PTEC collection will be discussed in a future newsletter dedicated to the PTEC organization. This edition of the newsletter contains articles that offer a broad overview of ComPADRE and its partner organizations. First, the director of ComPADRE will offer a general overview and then editors of a number of specific collections within ComPADRE will discuss special features of their collections. Finally, the director of the Science Education Resource Center (SERC) will describe her collection and its relation with ComPADRE. Future teachers and physics departments preparing future teachers should be aware of ComPADRE as a valuable source of sound educational resources and support.

John Stewart is an Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Arkansas. He has a long association with Arkansas’ PhysTEC project and is currently editor of the ComPADRE PTEC collection.



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