FEd Fall 2002 Newsletter - Executive Committee Virtual Meeting

Fall 2002



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Executive Committee Virtual Meeting

To save travel expense, the FEd Executive Committee held a "virtual meeting" in the form of a teleconference on October 19. Following is a summary of some of the items of interest to FEd members.

  • Fred Stein reported that a new brochure from the Committee on the Satus of Women in Physics is ready for distribution. Teacher days are planned for both the March and April APS meetings and all are invited to participate. A conference called "Physics on the Road," February 22-23, 2003 will bring together those who take experiments and exhibits out to schools (physics vans) aimed at grades 4-7.
  • The VIII InterAmerican Conference on Physics Education will be held in Havana, July 7-11. Information is available at <www.physics.ohio-state.edu/~aubrecht/VIIIIACPE(E).cfm>
  • The nominating committee has received a lot of nominations but few from industry or the National labs. The deadline for nominations is 14 weeks before the April meeting.
  • In order to facilitate the building of bridges between AAPT and APS, AAPT members will be allowed free admission to all four APS FEd sessions at the APS meeting and will be issued a special badge only for the FEd sessions.
  • FEd members should become more involved in teacher licensing issues in their states. Working with the APS Education Office, we could alert members in each state to get involved in discussions early enough to influence decisions.
  • The FEd Executive Committee plans another virtual meeting early in January and then meet during the April APS meeting in Philadelphia. Forum members are invited to suggest agenda items.