FEd April 1996 Newsletter - Interested in Precollege Science Education?

April 1996



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Interested in Precollege Science Education?

by Jim Nelson

Many industrial and university physicists feel that US education is not up to standard. Often physicists would like to be involved with the efforts to improve precollege education, but do not have a mechanism for such involvement. If this describes you, read on.

The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) has trained over 200 of the nation's top high school physics teachers to be Physics Teaching Resource Agents (i.e., PTRA's). As a PTRA the teacher has been trained to conduct over 20 teacher professional development workshops. These workshops have been developed by PTRAs and members of AAPT. Since the PTRAs are among the nation's best teachers they are generally very busy, and need assistance from you to organize PTRA workshops. This assistance could consist of any of the following:

  1. Provide site for local teacher workshop
  2. Prepare announcement for workshop,
  3. Prepare mailing labels for announcement,
  4. Cover cost of mailing announcement,
  5. Provide funds for workshop materials to be given to teachers who attend workshop,
  6. Provide funds for workshop fee ($5.00 per hour per teacher attending workshop),
  7. Provide funds for stipend to be given to teachers who attend workshop,
  8. Provide breakfast and/or lunch during workshop,
  9. Collect registration forms and fee for workshop,
  10. Provide secretarial service for maps, telephone answering, typing material, and/or
  11. Cover cost of photocopying workshop materials.

If you have questions about the PTRA program contact any of the following:

Jim Nelson
Orange County Public Schools
445 West Amelia Street
Orlando, Florida 32801

Larry Badar
Case Western Reserve University
10900 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106-7079

Maria Elena Khoury
American Association of Physics Teachers
One Physics Ellipse
College Park, MD 20740-3845