FEd April 1995 Newsletter - MEMBER SURVEY IN PROGRESS

April 1995



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Ken Lyons
[Note: This article was omitted from the April newsletter, due to space limitations.]

Making use of our WWW home page (see related article), we are carrying out an electronic survey of our members. Although one goal of this is survey members opinions about forum activities, it goes considerably beyond that. In fact, it is the first step in implementing a national precollege mentoring database. According each member's survey response record is available for updating at any time, via the homepage.

To access the survey, you can use lynx or mosaic (any browser with HTML forms capability), and access the URL http://www.att.com/APS/. The process is simple and takes only a few minutes.

At this writing, a few weeks into the survey, only a small percentage of our membership has taken part. We urge all members to do so as soon as possible. The results to this point, though, do reveal some trends: Fully one quarter of the respondents are AAPT members, and we find that 70% of the respondents favor implementation of forum dues, if necessary to maintain our activities. (There is some news on this subject: see the sidebar on forum funding.) Not surprisingly, there is more interest expressed in interaction with high school than with elementary school, but the difference is not very large (80% against 60%). Half of the respondents express an interest in the various summer activities mentioned (hiring an undergraduate or a college faculty member for a summer research position). Gratifyingly, about 90% of those expressing an interest in precollege programs are willing to have their listings appear on the public database. These results are based on a response from only 4% of our members--so we hope to hear from a lot more of you soon.